Monday, December 08, 2008

The Shredder is back and I have something to say about what is going on.

As a fan of local and taped shows like TNA Impact, what I see is not good.

I mean I watched Thursdays show and think to myself that I have seen all this already if was called Monday night Nitro and it failed when the NWO took control. So now they have the MEM main even mafia and it the same old thing.

Kurt Angle may have been a good aquisition at the time but let others take the next step and send him packing. He has the hard on for Jeff Jarret and the family threats that is not good tv at all.

Raw well thats another story I mean they have no new talent and the same old rivals so why bother to watch Cena and Bastista do the same as the previous week.

I am still a fan but, my money and time will be at the local show and if TNA doesn't let the MEM course come to an end well I may be looking elsewhere for my entertainment.


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