Monday, September 15, 2008

As I see it there is a lot going on with wrestling that needs to be addresses.
First of all the WWE is not the best program on today and I have some examples of why that is. They have the same old thing and nothing new, I mean how many times can you tune in to see the same wrestlers battle and have the title only change hands because a general manager is banging the heavy weight champion thats just bad tv. Now I have been watching wrestling for a long time so I have see the NWO come and go and now DX has made its mark. Its time that some new talent get introduced I mean no one cares if the strongest man is champion personally I would like to see someone like a Jeff Hardy become champion and let him take the spotlight for a while. And as for three shows that are on well they need to combine into a max of one.

On the otherside I watch TNA each week and they are producing a better product as you never know what may happen. I have to agree with something Eric Bichofff stated when he was at the helm"people would tune in just to see what will happen next". And lets face it they may not have the McMahon name on the bottom line they have better talent. Yes of course their are some wrestlers who use older moves from the past. But if you look at any sport that happens all the time and if the fans don't like it then they would not be showing up to the shows. I attend shows local to Colorado and have seen some great talent on the local scene and have to say the fans are more intense then any WWE show. I have attended a WWE show as well and have to say the value is the one where the fans are into the show.

So this is just a wake up call to anyone who is willing to listen.

Shredder88...I'm out

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